[TOEC] One Week to Submit Your SAC Log
Kim Östman
kim.ostman at abo.fi
Sun Sep 25 07:25:30 PDT 2011
Dear Friends,
Over 1000 logs have now been submitted from SAC CW,
with over 70% coming from outside Scandinavia.
Despite the poor propagation we are thus excitedly
heading for a new participation record. Especially
the new Multi-Band HP Assisted category for
non-Scandinavians appears to have been found
by its target audience.
There has been widespread discussion regarding
CW QSOs having taken place under 3510 kHz, contrary
to the rules. The contest committee has planned a
course of action and will make an announcement
after the CW log submission deadline and before
SAC SSB. In the meanwhile, we encourage everybody
to submit their CW logs.
Logs should be submitted on Sunday 2nd October
(before 2400 UTC) at the latest. Thus, first press
the "Upload contest log" button at the top right
of http://www.sactest.net if you haven't already
done so, then begin sharpening your tools and
encouraging your friends to participate in the
Polar Battle on SSB (8-9 October)!
On behalf of the SAC Committee
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