[TOEC] SAC Landskamp contest is violating the basic fundamentals in all competition

SM5AJV sm5ajv at qrq.se
Tue Aug 14 11:17:48 PDT 2012


Thanks for your input on this.

I don't share the same view on the Scandinavian Cup. One of the driving
forces for little-pistols is, that even if I make a handful of QSO's
I am contributing to my country's score - i.e. I won't win anything
but my QSO's was one little tiny bit of the final country score.

I believe your suggestion may lead to less activity and that is boring
for ALL participants. The last years the Scandinavians increased our
activity and that in turn, that will raise the activity from outside Scandinavia.
We have more than tripled the activity if you look back 10 years.
See the statistics on http://sactest.net/blog/statistics/

It's not necessarily so that the country with most hams will always
win. Finland has shown that for almost 40 years.

>From IARU you can pick some statistics on licensed operators (2000)

Sweden 10817
Denmark 10060
Finland 5900
Norway 5302

So there is no reason why any of the Nordic countries could win
the Scandinavian Cup, if you count the number of operators. But of
course there are lot of other factors to take account for, space,
antennas, fighting spirit etc.

I am not sure if you is aware of this years trial:
National Team Contesting Trial. You can read the rules at

The NTC will be a trial and an addition to the current Scandinavian Cup.
After this year's SAC we will evaluate how the trial went and hopefully
make some wise conclusions.

SAC CC Teamleader

> Hello everybody,
> I feel that the Landskamp in the SAC contest is violating the basic
> fundamentals in all competition and that is opponents should from start be
> equal in strength to make the competition as fair as possible. This
> fundamental fault just gives the contest a ridicules on unserious impression
> and something not to take seriously.
> In all individual sports great effort is taken to match opponents according
> to skills, experience and strength to make a fair match. Same in team
> competitions. In competitions between nations every nation sends their best
> players and they are proud the represent their country and of course make a
> 100% effort and go the distance.
> With the Olympic games in mind we don’t send ALL active swimmers or ALL
> active runners to the competition, we only send the ones that are qualified
> and that can make a honorable effort.  Same in the Finnkamp only first,
> second and third place count for points.
> In Sweden all hams are encourage to make just a few qsos and send in the log
> just to beat the Finns. It doesn't matter that everyone knows we have many
> more hams then OH not to mention OZ and LA. If we have 100 logs and the
> Finns only 40 logs and the Danish send 20 logs and the Norwegians send 10
> logs should we be proud to win over the Finns? Should we be proud to beat OZ
> and LA? Why are OZ and LA not mention in pre-contest discussion? How does OZ
> and LA feel about this Landskamp? It simply does not make sense and looks
> ridicules.
> A simple solution to the problem would be easy, just DRAW a LINE in the
> scoreboard. For example the SOAB category only the TOP 5 stations count in
> the Landskamp. This would have 3 very big benefits. First the competitions
> would be FAIR, second OZ and LA would be able to compete on the same terms
> as OH and SM. Third this would open up for a qualifying competition within
> each country to be one of the five stations to represent their nation and
> would most likely make more stations go the limit and make a better effort.
> Of course the complete scoreboard should be publish but results only count
> inside each nation.
> The only discussions the contest committee would have is to were to draw the
> lines in each category. The rule itself would be very easy to implement.
> So this is my suggestions on how to make the SAC and the Landskamp a fair
> and equal contest for all Scandinavian countries and a contest to take
> seriously. And who knows this rule might even make TF activate 5 stations.
> Looking forward to some serious responses
> 73/Sam     SM3PZG
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> From: SM5AJV
> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 10:01 AM
> To: Mats Strandberg
> Cc: SM5AJV ; toec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TOEC] Val av lag till SAC 2012 National Team Contesting
> Tack för ett bra förslag!
> Jag föreslår följande deadlines för intresseanmälan.
> CW:  3/9
> SSB: 1/10
> Intresseanmälan kan skickas till mig via email.
> Finns det någon hugad, som kan tänka sig ingå i den informella
> kommittén? Någon i SSA styrelse + någon ytterligare?
> 73
> Ingemar SM5AJV
>> Hej Ingemar!
>> Uttagningen borde enligt mitt menande gå till enligt följande:
>> Gör reklam för den nya parallelltävligen och uppmana alla som önskar delta
>> i någon av de fyra klasserna (uppdelat på båda helgerna) anmäla sitt
>> intresse. Ange deadline för intresseanmälan.
>> Skapa en liten informell kommitte som sedan tillsammans argumenterar och
>> röstar fram det lag som vi ska tävla med.
>> Kriterier för urvalet bör baseras på tävlingsmässiga grunder och
>> mÃ¥lsättningen mÃ¥ste vara att vi BÃ
DE ska vinna landskampen och
>> lagtävligen.
>> Alltså, stationer med bäst föresättningar och mest motivation att vinna
>> för
>> SM väljs.
>> Hur kan man avgöra detta?
>> Kombination av:
>> 1. Tidigare placering på 10 i skandinaviska topplistan senaste åren i SAC
>> 2. Stationsprestanda
>> 3. Operatörsskicklighet
>> 4. Geografisk placering (beror ju ganska mycket vilken typ av konditioner
>> vi får givetvis)
>> Genom att tydligt förklara att detta är en alternativ tävling i
>> tävligenen,
>> kvarstår fortfarande den traditionella tävlingen som den viktigaste. I den
>> är ALLA resultat värdefulla och med den motiveringen bör man kunna både
>> köra en elitsatning i Teamtävlingen och en folkrörelse i den vanliga
>> Scandinavian Cup.
>> 73 de LRR, Mats
>> Den 10 augusti 2012 10:45 skrev SM5AJV <sm5ajv at qrq.se>:
>>> Hej!
>>> Inför höstens SAC har vi, som annonserats tidigare, introducerat ett
>>> försök i "National Team Contesting". Reglerna för detta finns på
>>> http://sactest.net/blog/rules/national-team-contesting-trial-sac-2012/
>>> Hur lagen i respektive land väljs är upp till varje nationellt förbund.
>>> Ett lag består av 6 stationer:
>>>  2 Single Op Multi Band High Power
>>>  2 Single Op Multi Band Low Power
>>>  1 Single Op Multi Band Low Power Tribander/Single Element
>>>  1 Multi Op Single TX entrant
>>> För att kunna delta behöver man ha en uppkoppling till cqcontest.ru.
>>> Hur detta skall gå till i detalj, kommer SAC CC presentera senare.
>>> Men i princip är det:
>>> * Realtime scoring, d.v.s logprogrammet rapporterar summary sheet till
>>>   cqcontest.ru med jämna mellanrum. Se vidare http://cqcontest.ru
>>>   där instruktioner finns hur man gör i respektive loggprogram.
>>> * Realtime video/audio. På cqcontest.ru kan man också ansluta strömmande
>>>   video och ljud och "åskådaren" kan välja två stationer att följa på
>>> skärmen.
>>> Men, hur vill vi att uttagningen av Sveriges lag skall gå till?
>>> Fritt fram att tycka till här på reflektorn!
>>> 73
>>> Ingemar SM5AJV
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