TopBand: WW2Y in Stew Perry
Robert g. Flory
29 Dec 96 12:01:58 EST
This was pretty fun.
Worked 421 stations for 1770 points. Best DX was 19 points for 4X4NJ, our first
Conditions were funky. They seemed to favor N/S paths as south EU was missing
but worked lots of SMs. Also heard KG4W with EU pileup while we were getting
nothing. Deepest worked into EU were some 15 pointers, UA2FF, 9A2TW, etc.
Activity seemed good for the first running of this, although rates could have
been higher. Liked the exchange which made it fun to see just where people are.
Liked no packet and no daytime, too. Only worked about 5 people who didn't know
their grid. A few came back later after they learned it.
It would be cool if the organizers could publish a list of some of the longest
QSOs made. Thanks very much to them for their effort at organizing a fun event.
73, Rob K2WI and Peter WW2Y
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