TopBand: CY0AA .jpg of the Battlecreek special
Sat, 9 Nov 1996 09:36:26 -0500 (EST)
not specific info, but a general idea Mike,
my clipperton-l would only put out 250 watts on 160...
I dumped it to a dummy load and discovered it would put out more higher in the
band, by locking the tx down on my 735 and spinning the tuning dial I discovered
it like to tune at 2.0!!! and would even go higher!!
probably for mars freqs???
also, back when those and mine were designed, most activity was high in the band
I believe...I was just getting my license but seem to remember large areas of
sharing with loran and 25 watt output limit.
I had to add a 200 pf 5kv doorknob cap in parallel with the bandswitched tune
caps for 160 to drop the tuning .... check your prints...
I'd also be interested in hearing from others about these amps on 160 and what
you did to make em happy....I'm just getting started.
73 Scott wa1ytw(for awhile longer!)
On Fri, 8 Nov 1996, "Mike Smith-VE9AA, Coreen Smith-Wynder Photo" >p.s.-anyone
know how to squeak a few hundred more watts out of an
>MLA2500 ? I get 1.5Kw on 20m, and lucky to get 800w on TOP.
>Thanks-ve9aa / cy0aa
>p.p.s-I understand wd8sdl has CY0AA qsl's starting to go out TODAY!
>I am only doing the vhf cards and the odd hf card that lands here by
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Scott Porter, WA1YTW or
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