TopBand: DX HOGS

Jeff Bouvier
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 15:44:07 +0200 wrote:
> We have seen some correspondance recently on the topband reflecor
> concerning band allocations; phone and operating styles (particularly EU)
> etc; there's not much said about DX Hogs; last night I had a frustrating
> time:
> Not working XZ1N - he went QRT when his sigs were at their best here
> (abt 2330z; before his sunrise!)
> Not working 5X4F - megga pile up for him; reasonable sig. Gave up at
> 00:00z due to local QRN and frustration here
> You couldn't help notice the same calls in there to work 'em; as though
> they are a magnet for the pile up; to see who can get through first. Many
> well known calls in there; they are just preventing the rest of us from
> getting through!  I know that they aren't new countries for the louder sigs
> as well !
> Guys; why don't you just stand by; let the ones who are more likely to
> need it fer a new one try first; rather than joining in to see who can bust
> the pile up first all the time!
> No doubt you will have to work 'em again at the weekend; to "give 'em a
> point"
> Or am I just jealous 'cos I didn't work 'em ?
> Dave; G3NKC

	This is not only a problem in EU. I just don't understand 
the need to work rare DX on a daily basis. This goes on in NA also. Last
night I was in a pileup to work A61AJ which was a new one for me. I was
fortunate to get thru rather quickly but some guys called for a long time.
I wonder how many of these guys worked Don, N1DG, when he was at A6 
recently and how many needed A6 for a new one as I did. 
	Then you have the non-stop callers who don't take 5 seconds to see
if the DX came back to someone. Is this the, "If I don't get him, noone else
will" attitude or are they just stupid. They can't call a bit off the
DX stations qrg either because they might get to work him, suppose it's 
more fun to call and call. Take note W2VO. I went down in qrg 300 hz and
had no problem working him. 
	Once, I've worked a new band/mode country you will very seldom
ever hear me in a pileup chasing someone (except in contests). Why bother,
I know I can work the country on a band because I'VE DONE IT BEFORE. 
	When you think about it, many pileups don't have more than 30 guys
in them. If people didn't call continuously the dx station would work the
whole pileup in no time. Gee, that sounds like the way it used to be in the
old days. 
	Good luck with XZ1N
	73, Jeff Bouvier K1AM ex-K1IU

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