TopBand: Exceptional conditions!

Bill Tippett
Sun, 06 Oct 1996 23:07:55 -0400 (EDT)

        I'm surprised nobody is commenting on the exceptional conditions...
maybe you are all too busy working DX.  Last evening, J38DF had a pileup
of Europeans calling that was about 3 kHz wide with S9 to S9+20 Europeans,
tonight deep Zone 18 (RK9YWK in Barnaul) was being worked on the East
Coast just after sunset, and then G3PQA was working all across the USA to
W6/W7 at their sunset.  If this is a taste of things to come, I can't wait!
Now where are all the Asiatic Russians (EX, EZ, UK and UN) that I need?

                                        Bill  W0ZV

P.S.  Forgot to mention RX1OX/FJL working the multitudes and KL7KJ working
many Europeans!

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