TopBand: Greetings

Ralph McClintock
Thu, 10 Oct 1996 13:49:22 -0700

Mark F. Zegel wrote:
> Thanx to Bill W0ZV for alerting me to the topband mailing list.  My name
> is Mark, callsign AD4CS. QTH Merritt Island, FL...Been on 160 about
> three years.  Rig is a TS-50 into a Dentron Clipperton L.. Ant is an
> inverted "L" up 45 feet with eight radials.  Also have a full wave
> horizontal loop fer receive.  Am in the process of putting up a single
> beverage however the TS-50 has no rcv ant jack so must build some type
> of relay.  Does anyone know of anything commercially made or can refer
> me to any articles?..Thanx es 73, Mark,
> --
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> Sponsored by Akorn Access, Inc & KM9PMark,
 Ameco makes the PT3 preamp that will do that exact thing after 
modification. They will supply the modification info and parts (piece of 
wire, switch and relay) to be mounted on the PT3 circuit board.The unit 
is RF activated during transmit to go only on your TX antenna and then on 
receive you can select between TX or Beverage antenna. Also, you don't 
have to use the preamp part of the PT3 unless you want to.
                                        Good luck,
                                                Ralph, W1ZK

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Sponsored by Akorn Access, Inc & KM9P