TopBand: Slinky

km1h @
Sat, 02 Aug 1997 23:38:34 EDT

On Sat, 2 Aug 1997 17:06:17 +0000
>> From:          "" 
>> Date:          Sat, 2 Aug 97 10:30:33 +0000
>> I have been following the discussion on using the slinky for a 
>> beverage antenna.  I do not profess to being an antenna expert,

Neither is someone else, even if in his own mind he is. 

 but I
 always find it easier to put the antenna up and do "on the air" 
>> testing  before I draw any forgone conclusions from the "experts" 
>> have never erected one.  Theory on paper is just that.
>The actual measurement of a slinky antenna---necessary to guarantee 
>optimum performance---- would be simple. 
>Wouldn't it be nice, if BEFORE someone sold something...or told 
>someone else how to do something..... they would have taken a few 
>hours to make a few very simple tests so the customer got the best 
>product possible???

Customer?? Who is selling what to whom Tom....Am I competing with MFJ???

This is ham radio Tom...we are not all self appointed experts with a lab
full of equipment.  You are OUR expert and MFJ's chief  honcho in charge
of "specs". We look up to you Good Buddy....10-4 as you said. 

Personally, I expect the readers to do their own evaluations and report
back to the group...since you certainly show no inclination to do
anything except creative writing. 

>I offered to do that for free, and my offer was refused with more 
>personal insults.

Sorry old Bean, but you have NEVER offered to do ANYTHING free. Anyone
can read between the lines. 

You put on your pants the same as anyone else. You can also move your
butt down to Walmart or wherever and buy Slinkys. Or mail me a check in

YOU are the one that keeps on mumbling about the Slinky..over 6 months
now. I would have thought that even you could have found a source by now.
You want 5...then pay for them....this aint MFJ. 

 Think about that..and re-read the posts carefully.
>If your read, you will see I never said they wouldn't work...or would 
>work. I simply said it was unlikely someone could just make a 
>wild guess and "land" on the optimum values.

You never said anything meaningful...just the usual dance pattern that
you are famous for on any reflector you park on. .

>I am guilty of trying to explain WHY the surge impedance is most 
>likely nothing like a Beverage, and probably should be measured. 
>And I'm guilty of suggesting it wouldn't be a bad idea to measure the 
>phase delay through the antenna, so a person would have some basic 
>idea of how far the thing needs to be stretched for best performance.

People....just read Toms prior posts VERY carefully.  Lots of
"suggestions" but when have we EVER seen any concrete numbers from Tom?? 
On almost ANY subject? 
Has anyone ever seen Tom actually offer anything from scratch? Like an
amp design, component sources, or anything without strings attached?  
Just where have you published in the ham community Tom?  What can you
really offer us?

>In hindsight, I wish I'd have never said anything. The days of people 
>wanting to understand how things work or having them work as 
>well as possible are probably about over.

So are the days of mindless robots.  The great thing about this
CyberSpace enviroment is that it allows so many people to participate.
Gone are the days of captive audiences by one self annointed leader.

Maybe on your CB but not here. It is just that many of us no longer
accept one persons answer as gospel, particularly when peer review
challenges it.
There are too many good and educated people on this reflector to continue
to tolerate one persons view on everything. 

Do you wish to restrict debate?  Limit it to your views only? Continue to
browbeat anyone with a conflicting view?  A few of your totally
non-contributing (to any meaningful 160M discussion) supporters think so.
Fortunately they are in a very small minority and are easily dismissed. 

73 ...Carl   KM1H

>Tom Rauch W8JI
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