TopBand: BOUNCE taboo header: /^cc:\s*.+/i
Bill Tippett
Sun, 14 Dec 1997 19:49:23 -0500 (EST)
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 08:55:38 +0900
From: Yasuo Nakanishi <>
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To: W4ZV Bill <btippett@CTC.Net>
Subject: My QTH and Antennas
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Hello Bill and All,
Bill Tippett wrote:
> Dear Yasuo,
> Congratulations on the first 160 WAS from Japan!
> You have always had the strongest signal from Japan both
> when I was in Colorado as W0ZV and in North Carolina as W4ZV. Would
> you please describe your antenna and QTH? I believe I have heard
> that you have an Inverted Vee on a 30 meter tower and your location
> is on a high hill. I am sure many on the Topband reflector would
> like to know what your antenna is!
> 73, Bill W4ZV
I live in Nara that is in the central part of Japan, and in about 400
kilometers West-Southwest of the capital city Tokyo.
Yes, My location is on a small hill.
My QTH is located in a natural basin in the mountains, about 380 meters
above sea level.
The noise level is very low, and the overall Signal to Noise Ratio of
received signals is good.
I have been active on 160m for about 24 years, and have 203 countries
worked and about 199 confirmed.
I worked 5A2A and 6Y4A on this band so far this season for new ones.
My station for this band:
Rig; IC-775DX2, homebrew Amplifier
Ant; 1/2 wave Inverted Vee, 1/4 wave Sloper
1/4 wave Vertical and some Small Loops
I put up a full size Inverted Vee with the apex at 32 meters and
the ends up about 10 meters.
Someone says that it looks as if it were 50 meters high antenna,
because my location is higher than the neighborhood.
I use it for transmitting and for receiving most of the time,
especially towards North America, South America and the Pacific.
This antenna work better than a wave Beverage for receiving
towards N.A. and S.A..
I finally succeeded in the first 160m WAS from Japan, using only
this antenna.
The Sloper is suspended on about 27 meters of same tower that is
grounded at the bace, and the end up 2 meters. It is pulled towards
Northwest. It worked well towards Europe and Africa.
So far this season, I worked VE1ZZ on 160m via Long Path using it.
I use a quarter wave vertical towards Africa and the Pacific.
I sometimes use a Small Loop for receiving, especially towards Europe
and the Pacific.
Please refer to the new K1ZM's book entitled "DX'ing on the Edge ---
The Thill of 160m!", about this receiving antenna.
Thanks for all and the great Top-band.
73, Yasuo JA3ONB
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