TopBand: Saturday night in Boring. oring

Larry Tyree
Sun, 9 Feb 1997 21:31:50 -0800 (PST)

Last night there were some funny things going on with the band.  the band.

There was a noticable echo on my signal after I stoped Xmiting.  miting.

I heard it at first on the vertical, then found it was much louder
when I switched to the dipole (up to S9 at times).  It lasted for 
several hours.  Wil, DJ7AA commented on packet that he had the same
thing earlier in the evening.   ening.

Did anyone else notice this?   this?

I made some .WAV files which are added to my other 160 meter sound
files.  You can get to them via the web from my home page at or via ftp to in the
pub/HamRadio/N6TRLog/TopBand/echo directory.   tory.

I couldn't find anyone else who could hear it on my signal.  I remember
a similar event from K6NA's QTH in either the SS or CQP back in 1988
on 75 meters.  ters.

The delay seems to measure out to about 250 milliseconds, which equates
to about 45,000 miles of radio wave travel.   avel.

In other news, HP3FL was worked on SSB for #148.  YL2SW's QSL arrived
(sent direct).  My string of European evenings is still alive at
four after finding GW3JXN and GW3YDX around 0730Z.  That was cutting
it close!  S21XX worked on eighty.  I think he came down to 160 for a
minute, but I didn't hear him.  Did N7UA work him?  BV7FC was on 
1823 working up 7, but seemed to have problems hearing lots of guys.
VK3AJJ was heard briefly.   efly.

73 Tree N6TR

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