TopBand: V5/ZS6YG

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 06:23:59 -0800

Well I think most of the US knows this but here goes.  V5/ZS6YG showed up 
tonight on 160 meters.  They were active from our sunset till 20 minutes 
after their sunrise.  I worked them 17 minutes after their sunrise.

The thing I just can not understand is the guys who just called and called 
and called.  I have a list of about 16 guys who really should be raked over 
the coals.  I thought 160 meters was a gentlemans band.  The ones I could 
send a one liner to on packet I did.  

What were they doing you may ask?  

Well the V5 would come back to W2REH.  He would send "W2REH, W2REH, W2REH, 
599, 599 W2REH".  Then N#??? would dump his call as soon as the V5 stopped 
transmitting.  Now guys lets just stop here for a second and think.  The V5 
called W2REH he needs to make sure that is the call and get his signal 
report.  Why on earth would N#??? try to bust this contact up?  The thing is 
these guys didn't just do it once.  It was multiple times.  

One guy said he was tailending.  Here's exactly how he did it.  The V5 came 
back to a stations "K9BG, K9BG, K9BG, 559, 559, K9BG"  Then as soon as the V5 
let up the tailender would start sending his call K#??.  Guys this is not 
tailending, It's call frontending!  

One on the eastcoast kept calling while the V5 was asking for W6 and W7.  I 
sent him a one liner and he said "yeah I know, but I try to resist"  He's 
answering 8's and 9's"  I only heard the V5 work sixes and sevens when he 
asked for them, except the third time the V5 asked for 6/7.  The third time 
he worked N0??.   

I tell ya guys I really had to bite my tug and not list these guys calls.  
The calls I got were copied in 20 mins, and let me tell you there were plenty 
more.  I guess for now all I will do is send them one liners on packet or 
e-mail them.  Guys if you see someone doing this stuff let them know.  They 
are being rude and inconsiderate.  The funny thing is I think only one of 
these 16 guys made it through.

I know some of these 16 guys I have ticked off.  That was not my intenion at 
all.  All I want is for these guys to realize they are not being 160 meter 
gentlemen.  Come-on guys let's clean up our act.  de Bernie

PS oh to the guy who said "Go Bed" twice to me, I am now going w/ V5 in my 
160 meter log and u did not work him :).

Bernie McClenny W3UR (ex WR3E, WB3JRU)

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