TopBand: Mobiles on TOPBAND ?

Mike Smith-VE9AA, Coreen Smith
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 01:41:42 -0400

from VE9AA Mike in NB

To list admin W4zv/Bob:(Thanks for copying my peanut-whistle "mobile" signal 
To the gang:
As it was an unusually warm day here today I played outside putting
the HF whip back on the car.  A Webster Bandspanner (10m-80m)
coil loaded antenna that's as old or 
older than I am (33).   I thought "what if".........."nah"...., then 
"what the heck"......I added a 70' chunk of wire onto the top of the 
antenna to resonate it down on 160m. It's about 5-6' off the ground
running to a small tree up the driveway.  Was able to clearly hear a 
few Europeans and Pj9jt, and also work a few guys in Ve1 and VE3
as well as 2 East Coast boys quite easily w/ no repeats.(w4zv,w2bg)
While tuning 160m tonight , trolling for rare Dx, I rolled up 80' of 
wire onto an ice cream container and may try to mount it tmw on the 
car.  Not sure if a large wire capacity hat is in the cards or not, 
but may try that too if the WX holds.

Look for us in the contest using this setup. ( I'M KIDDING ! )

Does anyone run 160m mobile successfully that's on this list?
I know W1BB did for years on AM & CW but am interested in learning 
more about peoples antenna ideas and maybe what DX they were able to 
I know this isn't a real "hot n' spicy" topic, but it's gotta be more 
interesting than a lot of the griping on the other reflectors :-)

I'll be at VE1PZ/Doug's/Nova Scotia/ for the cqww160m ssb test.  Call us!

Michael & Coreen Smith
271 Smith Rd, Waterville
Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6
****new email address*****

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