TopBand: Excerpts HEARD ISLAND MESSAGE # 78

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 06:41:18 -0500 (EST)

>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>*      H E A R D   I S L A N D   D X - P E D I T I O N    *
>*             PILOT PROGRAM   MESSAGE # 77                *
>*        MORE ON HEARD -  TUESDAY 21, 07:45 GMT           *
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

>There have been some problems: the server has 
>been returning empty documents on searches at some time.
>At 07:30, Tuesday morning I (ON4UN) checked it and got a
>perfect reply in 10 seconds though. Also last night, 
>the European Web server ( responded 
>slowly (five minutes so far looking for W@UP), probably due 
>to the load it's picking up from acting up at
>that time.
>In the event these problems are load related Lyndon, 
>VE7TCP, fired up another web based search engine at:
>to help spread the traffic around a bit.
>Turnaround time is running about two minutes. 
>At this time the database is loaded with contacts up 
>to 0700Z 20 JAN.

NOTE:  I just tried the VE7TCP site and it works INSTANTLY
even though the other two are W4ZV @ 1130 UTC 21 Jan.

>From W4YV "While reading all the kudos to the heard island 
>operators, I can't help but think about what happened sometime
>last year. As you know the first attempt by this crew was 
>about one year ago, more or less. And as you also know the 
>attempt failed due to a crooked ships capatin who scamed the
>trusting hams that contracted for his ship. This crooked scam 
>resulted in great personal loss to ralph and lots of other 
>dedicated people. Hams on the local packet cluster were very 
>critical of Ralph and the others, because the expedition fell 
>through, and a great sum of money had been lost. I was the only 
>one on the cluster who supported ralph; indeed I made an 
>impassioned appeal on behalf of ralph, reminding the guys about 
>3Y0PI and all the great thrills this wonderful dxpedition provided. 
>I got back one (1) reply, it said Ralph and the others made their 
>bed now let them lie in it!!!  I have never forgotten it. 
>It was made by a famous K2 station, whom I noticed worked VK0IR
>on 160 meters!!! How soon they forget. .... Fame is fleeting, 
>but the great operation from 3y0pi is burned in my brain. 
>Indeed vk0ir will go down in history as a great one also, but in 
>six months the majority of hams will have forgotten just how 
>great it has been. take heart, us dyed in the wool dxers will 
>never forget. DX forever: mick...w4yv "
>Your pilots: ON4UN, N1DG, W0EK, K0EU, W4WW, W2IJ, JH1ROJ

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