TopBand: Last night - N6TR
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 11:45:46 EST

Tree,  Indeed conditions were excellent for another night for those of us
in the East.  When I can work Europe from home, the conditions have got
to be good!  I got home from work at about 0440z, took a listen and found
the band full of Europeans, namely Russians, which I heard 4 CQing.  I
heard 4X4NJ on 1822; he was 599+ and sounded like a local.  I actually
worked him on the second call, for my first ever QSO with him. (I've
heard him several times but he could never hear me).  A few minutes later
I worked GW3KGV on 1829.1 for another new one.  He gave me an amazing
579!  Finally, before bed, I worked RW3PZ  (Just for fun!)  I also heard
OZ7C, UA4CJJ, and 9H1TB who couldn't hear me calling, as well as IT9ZGY,
F5LQ, OK1DOT, OK2FD, and others I don't now recall whom I didn't try to
    BTW, I heard 4X4NJ and 9H1TB working 0's, so the band was open
atleast that far west.
    I live on a tiny shore community lot, surrounded by summer vacation
homes.  My backyard is about 30' on a side, but with a couple 55' trees. 
I use a 930, with 100w into an inverted L, about 50' vertical, the rest
horizontal, borrowing a neighbor's tree for the end support (he won't be
back 'till April).  I have "a few" radials, maybe 15 or so, which I
sneaked into my neigbors yards. (I use a spade shovel, push the wire into
the slit, and stomp down on the grass to hide them.  You can't tell they
are there after a couple days).   It's a suprisingly quiet location,
fortunate since I don't have room for a beverage or even an EWE.  One
good thing; The Delaware bay is 200 yards directly to my West (with its
30 miles of Salt Water 'till Delaware).  For this reason, I get out great
to the West,  even KH6 is easy.  However, even though I am only 8 miles
from the Ocean (to my NE), the antenna just doesn't seem to work well
into Europe.
   GL to everyone in this weekend's CQWW 160, I hope conditions hold up,
or even better improve, so the Left coasters can get into the action.
   Wouldn't VK0IR be a cool multiplier if they should happen to call in!
73, Dave N2NL

KH2 or KH6 bound in the summer of '97  
David Mueller - N2NL
Active Duty Member US Coast Guard, Cape May NJ

On Mon, 20 Jan 1997 22:52:06 -0800 (PST) Larry Tyree
<> writes:
>Actually, make it the last two nights - it appears from the packet 
>spots that activity and conditions have been fantastic, unless you
>are in the western USA.  I have not heard a single peep from Europe
>and my local QRN has been zero.  
>Very frustrating!

>73 Tree N6TR
>PS: I asked K9BG how to QSL for his HR3/K9BG operation, and he said
>to QSL to him.
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