TopBand: 5A on Topband

Dieter Voss
05 Jul 1997 11:00:00 +0100

                       Libya on the air again!

A group  of four German operators  will be  on the air from the well-
known club station 5A1A in Tripolis, Libya.  Our operation will begin
on approx. November 24, 1997 and last until December 4, 1997.  During
our stay, we aim to:

* produce a serious entry in the  M/S category  of  "CQ World Wide DX
* operate on all HF bands, including 160m and WARC bands (propagation
* be active in CW,  SSB, and,  for the first time from Libya for many
  years, RTTY.
* provide a QSO valid for DXCC to as many stations as possible.
* have  two stations  with amplifiers  on the air  simultaneously  as
  often as possible.

Our team consists of the following operators:

* Andreas "Andy" Lueer, DJ7IK
* Dieter Voss, DL3KDV
* Felix J. Riess, DL8OBC
* Thomas Goetzfried, DL1GGT

Additionally,  we will  also  try to  use  the  Internet  to  provide
information about our DXpedition while it is taking place.  Thanks to
the support by DG2FEF,  DL2FDK and DL4VBP,  we will be able to upload
our logs (almost)  daily to this web page,  so that you can check the
validity of your QSO  just a few days after we put  your call  in our
log book.  There  will  be  a special  web form  developed  for  this
purpose,   please   watch   our   DXpedition's   WWW  home  page   at regularly!

During  our stay  in  Libya,  you  will also  be  able to  send  your
comments,  suggestions,  information  about  band openings,  etc.  by
e-mail!  These notes  will be summarized and then forwarded to Libya,
so that we can react quickly.  There will also be an e-mail reflector
dedicated  solely to this DXpedition.  We will soon  publish  details
how to subscribe to this list.  All OP's of this DXpedition read this
list,  and you will be able  to make your comments  and  receive  all
input  from other subscribers  and updated reports  about  our plans.
Please refrain  from sending  sked requests  to the reflector  or the
individual  operators,  as those  will not  be  honored.  A  list  of
preferred frequencies  will be published later on our web site and on
the e-mail reflector.  We will make  every effort  to provide  speedy
QSL'ing  after  we  return  to  Germany.  The  QSL manager  (for this
operation only!)  will be  DL3KDV.  Please send  your QSL's  via  the
bureau to DL3KDV or directly to:

                         Dieter Voss, DL3KDV
                          Friedrichsthal 21
                        D-51688  Wipperfuerth

If you plan to send your QSL by mail,  please include  US-$1 to cover
our  postal  expenses.  Any  excess  funds  are welcome  and  will be
exclusively used to help develop Amateur Radio in Libya.  Please note
that,  of course,  we do not require any money  in exchange for a QSL
card, and will happily confirm every contact made via the QSL bureau!
In spite of this,  donations will be  more than welcome.

This is only a pre-release of our DXpedition information, please come
to our web page regularly to check our progress!

Please feel free to publish this information in all media relevant to

73, Felix (DL8OBC)


# Felix J. Riess # Amateur Radio DL8OBC, N5BC, TA3ZI, 9H3UD, OK8NVA #
# Internet Mail: # WWW: #
# # Packet Radio Mail:    DL8OBC @ DB0MW.#HES.DEU.EU #
# CW forever...! # Phone: (+49) 6151-896943, Fax: (+49) 6151-896947 #

73s Dieter, DL3KDV
## CrossPoint v3.1 ##

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