TopBand: Forwarded from N6TR

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Tue, 04 Mar 1997 10:21:45 -0500 (EST)

>Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 07:09:06 -0800 (PST)
>From: Larry Tyree <>
>Message-Id: <>
>Subject: N6TR report
>0220Z: Heard FR5DX for the first time ever - 449.  He fades out before I
>       can really give him a good call.  Maybe this would have been easier
>       at 0200Z.  
>0300Z: Thinking the band must be in good condition, I warm up the shack 
>       calling CQ on 1835.5.
>0330Z: Shack is getting pretty warm.
>0340Z: Shack is hot.
>0341Z: ZS5LB comes back and gives me a 589!
>0400Z: Spend an hour getting the 3 kids in bed.  You can only do so much
>       while your computer is calling CQ.
>0515Z: Hear DF2PY calling CQ on 1824.  Ever notice how it takes forever for
>       a DX station to finish their CQ after you have found them?  I get 
>       beat out by a K2.  They take FOREVER to comment about the snow QRN.  
>       N7JW and I say hi on the side.  Jim is nice enough to QRX while I 
>       call again.
>0523Z: My first European in over three weeks is in the log.  The QSO took
>       only about 45 seconds.  DF2PY would be coming in for over an hour
>       and I think he worked lots of stations.
>0527Z: 8P9JA on 1834 - easy QSO.
>0530Z: Could it be??  Yes!!  SM4CAN in the log!  It has almost been a
>       month since I have heard an SM.
>0545Z: ON4UN fires up on 1821.5 calling KH8/N5OLS.  They would work each
>       other around 0600Z.  I call John and we exchange quick reports.
>       He is 559 - the LOUDEST european I would hear (569 around 0600Z).
>0550Z: No other signals to be found, so I heat up the shack some more.
>0610Z: F6BKI answers my CQ - 559 both ways.  
>0815Z: I give up on working a South American and go to bed.  Heard a 
>       little of G4BWP trying to work CO3JR who was very active on
>       1829.5.  KH6AT worked the CO3 also (took forever!).
>1130Z: Last chance to South America - my topband disease gets me out of
>       bed, but no luck.  K1ZM is 599.  Jeff scares up VK8AV who switches
>       to SSB and the east coast has the opening.  I give up after three
>       calls.  It is hard to work VK this early - much easier at our 
>       sunrise when they are all in bed.
>1138Z: I comfort myself by discovering I did work WAC in one night during
>       the second day of the 1985 CQ WW CW (remember that night?). Go to Bed.
>1430Z: Back on the radio.  3W5FM is on 1826 about 559, having problems
>       hearing the guys calling.  BV7FC thinks he is a JA working a W6
>       on 1911 or so.  Was hoping for a super opening to VQ9, but not.
>       Is the 1850 kHz loran off - or is the band just not that good.
>ZS4TX didn't make it on the band - didn't see my e-mail in time.  ZS6EZ
>thought the band was gone for the season, but now won't give up so soon.  I
>wonder if a zone 39 QSO might still happen, and even dare to dream about
>ZS8IR next week when he is back...
>Don't turn out the lights yet!!!
>73 Tree N6TR

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