TopBand: BOUNCE Non-member submission from [Tony Wyn Jones <>]

Bill Tippett btippett@CTC.Net
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 14:41:58 -0500 (EST)

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 14:25:13 +0000
From: Tony Wyn Jones <>
Subject: Superb Condx 9 & 10th March 97 - GW4VEQ
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de GW4VEQ:

Hello Topbanders,

Thank you all for your excellent input to this reflector, it really is
great reading, and my top ham radio reflector!

Well, I thought it was time I contributed, as I experienced some really
excellent band conditions on the 9th & 10th of March, 1997. I've only
been dx'ing on 160 for the last 3 years, but only in the last few months
with a decent low-band aerial, a 170ft long Inverted L, 72ft vertical
section, with 50 radials. Working the North American West Coast is still
thrilling for me, but considering it's maybe getting late in the season,
I am quite surprised to still be working W6/7 at this time. 

I am just starting a 2 week leave period, so I can burn the candle so to
speak, and that is exactly what I've been doing in the past 2 days. Had
about 4 hrs sleep in the past 48hrs, so my response is a bit sloooowwww!

I have 35 W6/7 in the log during two marvellous openings. Also, while
calling CQ W6/7, I was called by KH6CC & KH6AT (tnx K8IP fr qsp), which
I must admit to being my very best dx so far on top-band. Persistance
paid off, as it took several repeats to get the report from KH6CC, but
to then be called by another Hawaiian station with half an hour was just
stunning, considering I'd never heard KH6 before! Also, the morning of
the 10th was finished off nicely with KL7RA with a champion signal.

I wonder if anyone on this reflector can maybe advise me on the most
probable path (i.e. beam heading) I am most likely to have worked the
KH6's? I wonder if it may be a bent greyline path over NA, or maybe an
opening over the clue is that I was called by a VE7 just
when I was completing with KH6AT, but I never heard him after that.

So, all I need now for WAS is Idaho (anyone know KA7T's internet address
pse?), and the capital state.... DC (wonder who's active from there?).

I'd like to share a copy of my log with you:-

- Date - TimS Callsign...... Band Mode RST Out RST In  Keywrd

09Mar-97 0422 N7JW            1.8   CW 579     589
09Mar-97 0425 W6DAO           1.8   CW 589     579     S-CA
09Mar-97 0427 K6SS            1.8   CW 569     579     S-CA
09Mar-97 0431 N6TR            1.8   CW 559     559
09Mar-97 0436 K6XV            1.8   CW 449     449
09Mar-97 0438 W1TO            1.8   CW 599     599
09Mar-97 0446 N6ND            1.8   CW 579     579     S-CA
09Mar-97 0522 N7UA            1.8   CW 599     579     S-WA
09Mar-97 0527 KC7V            1.8   CW 589     569     S-AZ
09Mar-97 0539 C6AGN ********* 1.8  SSB 58 **** 59 **********************
09Mar-97 0541 YS1RRD ******** 1.8  SSB 59 **** 59 **********************
09Mar-97 0545 7X5JF           1.8  SSB 57      57
09Mar-97 0600 W6AJJ           1.8   CW 569     449
09Mar-97 0606 N6FF            1.8   CW 579     579     S-CA
09Mar-97 0609 AJ6T            1.8   CW 579     469
09Mar-97 0615 N6AR            1.8   CW 559     559
09Mar-97 0618 K6AAW           1.8   CW 449     569
09Mar-97 0620 AE7H            1.8   CW 559     469     S-AZ
09Mar-97 0628 K3KY            1.8   CW 569     579
09Mar-97 0629 W4SN            1.8   CW 559     569     S-FL
09Mar-97 0648 AD6C            1.8  SSB 58      57      S-CA
09Mar-97 0651 N7JW            1.8  SSB 59      59
09Mar-97 0652 W4WM            1.8  SSB 59      59      S-TN
09Mar-97 0706 K7CA            1.8   CW 589     479     S-NV
09Mar-97 2059 JA4LXY          1.8   CW 449     559
09Mar-97 2109 TA2BK           1.8   CW 599     579
09Mar-97 2319 VQ9QM ********* 1.8 * CW 599 *** 579 *********************
10Mar-97 0307 C6AGN           1.8  SSB 59      59
10Mar-97 0341 N7UA            1.8   CW 599     569     S-WA
10Mar-97 0344 KC7V            1.8   CW 559     569
10Mar-97 0352 W6DAO           1.8   CW 449     569
10Mar-97 0355 W7KW            1.8   CW 579     459     S-AZ
10Mar-97 0359 W7LR            1.8   CW 579     559
10Mar-97 0405 AE7H            1.8   CW 569     369
10Mar-97 0414 VA3WR           1.8   CW 449     469
10Mar-97 0420 N6RUX           1.8   CW 559     549     S-CA
10Mar-97 0424 W7KW            1.8   CW 599     559     S-AZ
10Mar-97 0429 W2UE/7          1.8   CW 569     559     S-AZ
10Mar-97 0430 KA6W            1.8   CW 559     559     S-CA
10Mar-97 0440 K8IP            1.8   CW 599     589
10Mar-97 0447 KH6CC ********* 1.8 * CW 339 *** 569 *** S-HI ************
10Mar-97 0508 KH6AT ********* 1.8 * CW 449 *** 449 *** S-HI ************
10Mar-97 0521 W6PBI           1.8   CW 559     359
10Mar-97 0535 W0RI            1.8   CW 599     559     S-MO
10Mar-97 0542 W5BM            1.8   CW 559     549     S-NM
10Mar-97 0558 K6VX            1.8   CW 559     559     S-CA
10Mar-97 0559 K9JF/7          1.8   CW 589     579     S-WA
10Mar-97 0602 W6OSP           1.8   CW 589     579
10Mar-97 0604 NI6T            1.8   CW 449     449
10Mar-97 0618 W7AM            1.8   CW 449     449     S-OR
10Mar-97 0629 K0VZR           1.8   CW 449     559     S-IA
10Mar-97 0632 K8QL            1.8   CW 579     579
10Mar-97 0637 AJ6T            1.8   CW 559     579
10Mar-97 0640 WK3N            1.8   CW 599     599     S-PA
10Mar-97 0645 W6FAJ           1.8   CW 339     449
10Mar-97 0647 KL7RA ********* 1.8 * CW 589 *** 599 *********************

Total records processed: 56

May the good conditions continue......

73 de  T O N Y .. GW4VEQ
Tony Wyn Jones

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