TopBand: It's Coming...The History of 160M!!
Wed, 14 May 1997 18:33:02 -0400 (EDT)

The following is posted with permission from the 160M Reflector

Many of you on this reflector already know that, for some time now, I have
been working on a manuscript documenting the history of 160M.

A number of you provided me with material for inclusion in the book
(pictures, memorabilia, best Dx stories etc).  So you are already "in the

This preliminary announcement is posted here today to thank those who were
most helpful in making this project a reality.  It is also being posted at
this time to make the project known as a form of pre-announcement.

The list of contributors is too long to publish here (and is included in the
acknowledgements section of the book) but thank you one and all for you help
and support.

The manuscript, pictures, memorabilia etc were turned over to the publisher
today completing my contractual portion of the project.  We hope this work
will be available prior to year-end, perhaps sooner if things go well.

Some Highlights:

1)  This is the story of Dx'ing on 160M from the very beginning, about 1930,
with special emphasis on Stew Perry, W1BB.  His march to 160M DXCC #1 is
traced from beginning to end.  I thoroughly enjoyed researching this part of
the text and I am sure anyone who loves 160m today will enjoy reading about
this remarkable Dx'er!

2) Not to be forgotten are Stew's contemporaries whose accomplishments are
documented along the way from 1930 - 1976.

3) Those active on the band today and following in Stew's footsteps are
covered in detail as well in order to bring things up to the current period.
 The current period, for example, contains tables of significant achievements
on 160M, eg: first WAS, first WAC's, first DXCC's, WAZ 40 zone award holders,
etc.  Year-end 1996 ARRL DXCC rankings are also included to highlight current
achievers active on 160M!

4) Plans include, if details can be worked out, an audio portion containing
an "introduction" from Stew Perry, W1BB,  along with a few of his qso's while
active on the band which were preserved by K1PBW and DJ8WL.  Many other great
moments on 160M are also available and a "master" has been cut which we may
digitize.  Assuming these plans jell (they are presently in the discussion
stages) an audio CD may become a component part of this offering - or,
perhaps, a separate but related offering.

If you love 160m, I am pretty sure you will want to have this piece in your

For me personally, I have devoted over 18 months to this project as I felt
the history of 160M needed to be preserved for those who will follow to read
about.  Fortunately, enough of the early players were still living and able
to provide insight into what things were like long before our time!  And, I
had the time this past year (and the energy) to take on the project because I
felt it needed to be done - if not be me personally, then by someone!   So, I
did it and now it's done! 
Hi Hi! 

For now, please watch this reflector for further information.   If anyone
wishes to inquire about the project, I will be in Dayton this weekend at the
160M Dinner on Friday night and at the Contest Dinner on Saturday night.  In
the late evenings after 10PM,  I expect to be in the FRC suite with the 160M
crowd (on the mezzanine level of the Crowne Plaza).

Thanks again to all who helped make this a reality.  I am especially grateful
to those who were so very helpful.  G3SZA (AA0RS) and DJ8WL are owed special
mention here as their contributions were extraodinary! 

73 and hope CU in Dayton!



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