TopBand: Boring report

LarryX Tyree contractor for brentc
Wed, 14 May 1997 09:03:38 -0700 (PDT)

Yesterday morning at sunrise, there were some very interesting conditions,
but nobody to work.  The noise on the dipole was ZERO.  I can't remember 
the last time it was this quiet in the morning.  I will try to be on most
mornings between 12:45 and 13:00 and I generally CQ on 1829.  Too bad there
aren't more land masses with people on them to the west of me.

EM1HO wasn't heard last night, but was easy to work the previous two
nights.  I also got an SWL report from V5 a few nights back, but have
been unable to hear ZS this week.  ZS4TX and I have tried a few skeds,
and I heard some people working another ZS which wasn't making it here.

It is still light out at 04:00, so I am starting to figure we are done
working Europe from the Pacific Northwest.  Perhaps N7UA will prove me 
wrong.  Instead, I am focusing on getting on the band around 04:40 for
a possible opening to ZS.

I had a nice surprise the other day.  Received  KH4/AH0W QSL for a 
contact I forgot I had made!  Sure enough, it is in the log and I got
to increase both my worked and QSL totals by one.  Such a deal!

See you all at Dayton.  I will be in "CQ" mode at the TR Log booth
wearing my Boring Amateur Radio Club tee shirt.  Stop by and say hello.

73 Tree N6TR/7

PS: My topband disease has developed VHF complications - I am now 
somewhat QRV on six meters.  Perhaps I can work CY9 on both six
and 160!

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