TopBand: EWEs or Short Bevs ?

km1h @
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 20:15:03 EST

On Wed, 26 Nov 1997 22:03:00 -2 "Enric" <> writes:
>[¯¯¯ TST HOST 1.43b, Dif/Utc.:2, Escrito el: Mar Nov 25 21:51:14 1997 
>        Just want to ask what would you prefer, EWEs or short Bevs ?
> My  EWEs  have improved the RX considerably, but I can try with short 
>Bevs as 
> well  if  you say it could be even better. If so, wich lenght would 
>be the best
> performer for such a Bev ?
> TNX!
>73 de Josep

Hello Josep,

If you have the room I would suggest the Slinky Beverage. It is a helical
loaded version of the standard Beverage using a childrens toy. I am
serious, I use them here and have for 12 years. 

The length requirements are 150 to 200 feet and with 5 or 6 of the
Slinkys soldered in series performance can be excellent. The feed and
termination may be the same as a standard Beverage altho information
suggests that a 1000-1200 Ohm termination and matching xfmr might be

I have managed  2 large orders from hams around the world, over the past
year,  that were unable to locate the Slinky locally. Maybe it is time to
do it a third time. I have an arrangement with a local store that allows
me to by them in case lots at a time; each case consists of 96 Slinkys. 

If there is enough interest  I will offer them for sale again at $2.35
each plus shipping. USA stores such as WalMart and Toys-r-Us sell them
around $1.90-2.25 so I am not making ANY profit considering the time,
boxing, etc. 

73   Carl   KM1H

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