TopBand: QTC de DF2PY
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 15:26:28 -0500 (EST)

DJ6RX de DB0SPC-8   27-Nov 1241Z >
Msg #6965  From: DF2PY  Date: 27-Nov 0846Z  Subj: msg for top-band refl.
hello top-banders,this is a little propagation review from central
Europe.23rd showed some New Mexican stns (N7KA etc),TX and vy few
rite cst stns,plus AA0RS.24th was low activity,although prop was
there,proven by N7JW and K0HA with Q5 sigs.25th was strange,around
0525 W5PS and K5AB really rocked the meter 579/589 and then there
was nothing else going on ! But the 26th ,central EU was in the party!
K5UR jammed in with 599,a few TX stns followed and then it moved to
the Caribbean,V26,8P9 etc.Then New Mexicans came up and as asurprise
W7SE from Wyoming called in with such a good sig,we could exchange a
few things.A never heard Utahn,K7XB came in with a nice sig as well.
Then the Californians came up with best sigs from W6PBI and W6OSP.
After that the skip returned into Minnesota and the upcoming sun
set an end.These days with an active sun,it seems to us,the build up
of attenuating D and E layers happens real fast just a little b4
the actual sunrise.The 27th was disappointing with almost nil on 160.
73`s to all the "sleep-losers"   de Wolf-df2py 
DJ6RX de DB0SPC-8   27-Nov 1241Z >

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