TopBand: Re: [TowerTalk] "Snake" antenna ?

Craig Clark
Tue, 14 Oct 1997 08:24:40 -0400

The exact citation is W1FB's Antenna Notebook c 1987 by ARRL. The antenna is
on page 108-109. Price is $9.95 and we carry them here at RBS
At 08:15 AM 10/14/97 EST, you wrote:

Craig W1JCC

>     This antenna was in one of W1FB books a few years back.  ON4UN also 
>     talks about it in his "Low Band DXing" book.  If you can find W1FB's 
>     book(will look up the name tonight for you) read it first then read 
>     what John has to say about it and some other options.
>     Paul
>     WG0G/W2
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: [TowerTalk] "Snake" antenna ?
>Author:  Jim Reid <> at SMTPLINK-rammob
>Date:    10/13/97 4:33 PM
>One of the OT's out here, Sam,  KH6AFS, at Hilo Town puts 
>out a Snake antenna at many of the field events here.  Last 
>was on 9/27 for a QRP outing.  Anyway,  the purpose for him 
>is to listen to mainland BC  stations between 500 and
>1700 kHz.  He claims it also works on 160 and 80. It is 
>not usual to hear BC from the mainland in Hawaii!
>It is a piece of 52 ohm coax,  about 200 feet long. 
>At the rcvr,  the inner conductor goes to the antenna 
>connector of the rig,  the shield is left floating. 
>At the far end,  a 52 ohm resistor ties the inner 
>conductor and shield together.  The coax lays out 
>across the ground,  in this case running about
>North and South,  as KH6AFS says it is most 
>sensitive on the broad side of the coax.  
>It does work.  I assume this has to be a different 
>idea than a Beverage,  as the Bev is most sensitive 
>along the direction it is strung out.
>He also claims one can transmit with the Snake,  but then 
>you leave the 52 ohm terminating resistor off.
>Is this just a fluke,  or really something to look into 
>more carefully??
>73,  Jim, KH7M
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