TopBand: Good Morning, EU!
Garry & Yelena
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 23:19:07 -0700
> Another great opening to EU last night from the West Coast between 0330
> and 0500Z. (snip)
> 73, Ward N0AX
> Western Washington
Little joy here on the rump of North America, as usual. Walt, AJ6T and I
had each other to commisserate with, after we each worked OH8LAE--pretty
sure THAT was the callsign. Not enough THERE there to copy anything
else--especially (for me) through the noisy pole hardware down the
street that PG&E studiously ignores-- so we had to sit and grind our
teeth while sevens north, east and south of us feasted. The only sixes
participating appeared to be K6ZZ (formerly W9NQ) out in the Mojave and
AD6C at the N6DX megastation, plus some calling from K6SSS.
If there is little or no California participation, is it really a West
Coast opening, or is it an opening to sevenland? I guess it is
relative--last week, K1ZM seemed to think Nebraska was on the West Coast
:-). Reminds me of the novelty maps one sees in stores and at
conventions, e.g. a map of the US showing Boston in detail with
increasing compression to the west coast and beyond, with the western
half of North America as a thin smear.
Even less, tonight. Little hope to see Palmyra on 160---the op is a
terrifically talented guy--he's an astronaut to boot--but said to be by
himself, barefoot, and a raw rookie on topband. But, one never knows...
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
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