TopBand: Re: [TowerTalk] Phased Staggered Beverages
Wed, 22 Oct 1997 10:50:00 +0000

> From:          Bill Fisher - W4AN <>

> the transcripts yet.  Has anyone else used this type of system or any 
> other comments on phased beverages?

Hi Bill,

That's a nice way to get additional F/B ratio. It is simple to use 
echelon arrangements with antennas that have low mutual coupling 
(coupling from antenna to antenna). It would work with loops, very 
short verticals, Beverages, Ewes, or whatever.  Of course if the 
antenna is pysically short, the antennas do not need to be in 
echelon. They can be in line. That is what I do with loop antennas, 
and what I have done with small voltage probe antennas, and with 
Beverages. (I did use larger broadside stagger, however, to narrow 
the front lobe beamwidth and remove high angle response on the 

If you use this system, you might consider using cross-fire 
phasing. A cross-fire system will remain frequency independent (delay 
line ~ equals the in-line spacing distance), unlike traditional feed 
systems (delay line ~ 180 degrees minus S in degrees).

I got this via topband...since I'm not on the tower talk reflector. 

73, Tom W8JI

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