TopBand: ROTHR not on ham bands
Dan Robbins
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:25:59 -0900 (AKST)
ROTHR cannot transmit as low as 160 meters. ROTHR does not transmit on any
ham bands, nor will it transmit on standard HF maritime or aircraft
frequencies. There are other frequencies avoided like WWV, DoD, weather,
etc. Even the stupid CB band is protected. I know this because a few years
ago I was a Radar Shift Supervisor at a ROTHR site and had to re-enter all
these frequencies after a new program build. In addition, the same
frequencies were entered at the computer for the distant transmitter site.
The main computer would never send an illegal frequency to the transmitters,
but in the unlikely case that an instruction arrived garbled, the transmit
site computer provided additional protection. There was a sounder on site
which didn't have the frequency protection, but it was low power and changed
freq very fast - at the worst you might hear a quick blip as it went
through your listening freq. I used to operate on the ham bands from the
same location as the ROTHR and I never had any interference from the radar.
Dan KL7Y
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