TopBand: EWEs
Bill Hohnstein
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:13:37 -0800
> N7CL wrote:
> >
> > Modeled Beverages simply go dead when you make the ground under
> > them perfect. This also squares with my field experience...
I might have agree with that last year. The ground conductivity
here is very high. Last year my Beverages generally were lucky to be
as good as my parasitic vertical array for reception to Europe. Since
then I improved my transmit antenna's European director and I have
received better reports from Europe on its performance. I also have
changed my Beverages--lowered their height to about one meter above
ground, changed matching on coax to some, changed some lengths, and
changed the termination resistance a bit. This year I rarely saw
improved reception while using my transmit antenna...
> > The beverage is a traveling wave antenna. The EWE is
> > not. It is more properly thought of as a terminated loop.
What software was used? To quote from a response that I received
to my past topband posting on modeling Beverages from K6STI:
> Bill, NEC-2 cannot accurately model all aspects of antennas with
> grounded conductors. This particularly applies to the pattern of
> traveling-wave antennas. See the manual where I'm sure this issue
> is discussed.
> Brian Beezley, K6STI
73, Bill K0HA
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