TopBand: 8Q7

Nob Ichino
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:52:20 +0900

 Bill, thank you for posting, 
 Sure ! Yasu JI1NJC is the "Dedicate TOP BAND OP". ( I think I 
 am too, hihi) Some of reflectees would remember A35CC, T24CC 
 and T30CC in 1994. I was with him and activated VR6BB (Pitcairn) 
 in 1993 and made a bunch of US QSOs.
 Any suggestions etc to generate MANY QSOs on TOP BAND 
 are very welcome. Thank you !
 de Nob, JF2MBF 
 Dear Dxers
 We are very pleased to announce our trip to Lohifushi Is, Maldives (8Q7)
 in September and details are as follows:
 Date:  Sept 15 to Sept 23 1998
 Freq:  160m to 6m
          160m  1.822 QSX 1.830 and UP (QSX 1.908 and UP for JA)
           10m 28.022(CW), 28.480(SSB)
            6m 50.105(Beacon)  QSX 50.135 and UP
        *6m beacon will be "CQ CQ CQ DE 8Q7BB QSX 135 ES UP K".
 Mode:  SSB, CW , RTTY
 OP=CALL: KB3CCC(Zhen/YL)=8Q7LI, JR2KDN(Yuu)=8Q7US, 
                JI1NJC(Yasu)=8Q7CC,      JJ1AEB(Hiro)=8Q7HA, 
 The above 8Q7 call signs are subject to change due to UNDER REQUESTING. 
 Our license will be ready by the beginning of September.
 If there are any changes, obtained call signs are announced immediately.
 QSL: ALL QSLs via JR2KDN (Buro or SAE+IRC or GS)
         Yuu Yoshida 
         4th Floor Kato Bldg, 529 Rokugaike, Kita-ku, Nagoya, 462-0002
 Equip: 3 x IC-706, 2 x HL-1K(500 W)       *HF=500W , 6m=100W
          160m---40m Titanex V80E
            40m---10m Cushcraft R-7, R-7000 
            10m       2ele
             6m       5ele
 Rmks: We will be on all bands with an emphasis on 10m for West Coast (NA)
          via both Long Path and Short Path. 
          If you have any further questions, requests, opinions etc.,
          feel free  to write me(
 Sincerely yours,
 JF2MBF, Nob Ichino
 Also WK3D,VK4FBM,T22JJ,T24JJ,T28RR,8Q7JJ,3D2GG,

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