TopBand: ZL9CI press release # 5
Bill Tippett
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 05:28:08 -0400 (EDT)
Excerpts from the ZL9CI press release that affect 160:
Press Release # 5 - December 13, 1998
Some concern recently has been expressed by the amateur community about
our permit restrictions on Campbell Island. The New Zealand Department of
conservation has granted a permit to the Kermadec DX Association which
restricts us to "daytime" visits only, of around 18 hours. After two
years of negotiations, which are still continuing, the NZ DoC will not
move from their position. Even as late as 31 October 1998, during our
last meeting with the DoC we were still trying to get 24 hours and
flexibility with the OFF/ON time on the island.
Their NZ Department of Conservation's contention is that overnight
"tourism" will impact on the island's environment. The permit does allow
operation for about 2 hours after sunset and before sunrise during the
best low-band propagation enhancement periods. The LF propagation window
enables low band contacts to all parts of the globe that have a common
"darkness" window during January.
The twilight hours at Campbell Island's very low southern latitude are
very long and should allow (the potential for) 70 hours operation on the
low bands during the DXpediton. On a day to day basis, ZL9CI will have at
least six stations on the air from 1600 UTC until 10.30 UTC. There may
be some minor variances to these times but they will be documented on a
daily basis in writing.
More updates soon! See
Administrative requests: