TopBand: duplicate DXPedition qsos

Joseph L. Pontek, Sr.
Tue, 22 Dec 1998 11:43:35 -0500

I agree with Wayne.  I have heard stations calling and timing was right for his
but QSB got them.  On 160 I make notes in this regard and clear them if no
resonable QSL
response or if time/date not accurate.  Living in the quiet country or being
down in Belize
on a quiet night let's me hear much better than somebody stuck in a city or
crowded suburb.
We on the trips sometimes forget what it's like trying to work the DX. Yes,
there are DX hogs
out there. Sometimes it is the big guns that let me know the band is still open
and how good
or bad it is.  I try to look at as a tool.  If you had to work that hard to get
a cannon in the log,
chances are the little pistol wouldn't been heard anyway. And not all of us are
on the WEBB,
inspite of it popularity.  Not all of are on packet either.

I just try and work as many as fast as I can and let gang fight it out.  I
continue to work
at improving my station and not getting into a log is what drives this on.  I
don't expect
a QSO to be given to me. If I get beat out, back to work.  If propagation
doesn't shine
nicely on me, there will be the next time. If I die before I work 'em, it don't
matter after
that!  It's all part of the game and the fun of it! wrote:

> One thing to keep in mind when questioning a high rate of dupes on Topband
> is that to be certain of a QSO is not a simple matter.  "But these guys
> have been posted as being in the log" you say!  I say "Just because the DX
> station logged me doesn't mean I had a two-way QSO."  I have seen many
> requests for QSLs from rare places where the contacts simply didn't meet
> any standard for a two-way QSO.  The callsigns were in the log but the
> station didn't respond, so I took it out of the log.  Think about it:  The
> guy didn't even need to own a receiver to get that far.  This is why I
> dislike the "web log".  Beacon DXing lives! Sorry, one-way QSOs don't do it
> for me.  How about you?
> 73,  Wayne, N7NG
> On Mon, 21 Dec 1998, wrote:
> >
> >I must STRONGLY echo and support Alex TL5A comments on dupes/insurance
> >contacts.  several mornings i had several stations call for "insurance"
> >qsos covering up the few minutes of good propigation right at my sunrise.
> >the last morning of operations, I worked 9 "NINE!!"  dupes in a row,
> >despite my pleading with them NOT to dupe me, they called again.  I
> >consider this very incosiderate, and not consistent with good operating
> >practice on the Gentlemans band.  I arranged at considerabe effort to
> >deliver a list of stations worked EACH DAY to be posted on our web site,

73 de K8 Joe "Palooka" & Beverly
Joe Pontek
26442 Devaney Road
Arcadia, IN 46030
K8JP, V31JP, VP5/K8JP, VP5JP, K8JP/VA2, ex-K8HKM
CJ5 '65

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