TopBand: Misc Top Band info

Richard Zwirko dz@VOA.GOV
Thu, 31 Dec 1998 07:38:24 -0500 (EST)

Spoke with Jan, VP8CRB on 15M this morning. He is now on 160M with a 135
ft. vertical. Jan reports hearing K1ZM & W4ZV last night but didn't have
andy luck in raising either Jeff or Bill. He will be on 1828 KHz again
at 02:00Z 1/1/99 looking to start the New Year will some Top Band Q's.
(de W4ZV...we were calling 5H3US, not VP8CRB, hi)

Received a note from Dave, KH2/N2NL today reporting that he traced some 
of his 160M noise to the fan in his computer but is still working on
eliminating the rest of the QRM. His Inverted-L went up yesterday and
reports hearing K3UL as the farthest station east in the U.S. .

Condx here at this MD QTH were super in the early Zulu hours of Dec.30
to the Middle East with excellent signals from 5B4ADA and YK1AO.  Ivo
was easily put in the log with one call with 100 Watts, but YK1AO was
another story. Omar had a simplex pileup calling him, and even came back
to a few stations but, as simplex pileups often go, stations were calling
on top of the DX and killed any chance of QSOs. I don't believe YK1AO
worked many, if any stations this day. If stations would call up only a
few couple of hundred Hertz, it sure would help in hearing who the DX
comes back to. 

3D2DK had a nice signal on 1826.5 KHz around 12:00Z on 30 Dec. but
it faded rapidly about 15 to 20 minutes BEFORE the 1225Z Maryland sunrise
time, before I could snag him.

Happy New Year to all and see you all in the pileups in the CQ 160 Meter
CW Contest later in January.

73 de Rich - K1HTV   
Richard Zwirko (VOA/BBOM)                                Voice of America    
Wilbur J. Cohen Building, Room 2165                      Technical Support 
Washington, DC 20547                              Broadcast Operations Div. 

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