TopBand: I: Stew Perry Contest

Pierluigi Mansutti
Tue, 6 Jan 1998 18:01:19 +0100

> Da: 
> A: Topband Reflector <>; Tree N6TR/7
> Oggetto: Stew Perry Contest
> Data: marted́ 6 gennaio 1998 17.53
> Hi Tree,
> Many thanks for the Stew Perry Contest you organized, a great idea and a
> successful formula, but it will work until you are able to keep it within
> the Topbanders partecipation.
> When the rules will be spread out on the contest columns of all the
> magazines and the radio-clubs than, be sure, our narrow band will be
> invaded by all those "War contest machines" running at least a 2x8877
> amplifier but some of them even over 10 KWs (yes Ten kilowatts on 160).
> These people don't know and don't love 160 meters at all; they just want
> win a competition, and the only way is to keep calling and calling on the
> same frequency from the beginning to the end, with such a strong signal
> keep far away the other partecipants and to be able than to hear the DX
> signals: that's really a winning technique but, with a 20 khz wide band,
> there is no place left for others...
> All the others have to call CQ and CQ, one above the other, wall to
> wall...rather than in a DX contest it seems to be in an "Alligator
> meeting", all mouths and no ears !
> The Stew Perry Contest with its original rules, giving a prize not to the
> multipliers but only to the long distance contacts, does away with the
> pile-ups on the rare stations and lets everybody enjoy what this beatiful
> and mysterious band is offering: this year the real thrill of WestCoast
> Europe contacts without worrying about the rare ones.
> Tree, this year I did'nt have any plan to partecipate seriously but I got
> lot of fun, I hope to do better next year.
> I try to send you my log on an ASCII file "IV3PRK.BIN" from my old
> of "CT7" working as in a CQ 160 contest; if it fails please let me know.
> 73 and HNY de Luis IV3PRK  <>

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