TopBand: BCB IMD and harmonics, and mobile Dx
Tom Rauch
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 18:14:13 +0000
John WD4JRA pointed out I posted WGUN when it is really WGUL.
There were too many responses to e-mail a reply (about 40 last
count). Thanks to all for all the help, it was greatly appreciated.
The BCB call sign data base info was excellent. I just had copied the
call WGUN? because of the hum and distortion on the audio. WGULLLL
is working on the problem now and they hope to have it fixed soon.
Thanks also for all the helpful suggestions about mixing and IF
images, etc.
The real comedy is the spur got so strong the other day the 3's who
meet on 1910 actually QSY'ed so they didn't have to listen to it!
Poetic justice! Now if we can just get one going on 1822.....
RE Mobiles:
In the early 70's, I worked a VK on 160. He was using a 3 meter tall
antenna, 100 watts, and driving through Sydney. That is my longest
distance mobile to fixed station QSO. Last week, I worked a G0 on
SSB who was 5x5 while mobile (he was driving in England), and I've
worked several Eu, SA, and one VK while in my mobile and moving.
There was a WA4 mobile in Florida who had worked nearly 100 countries
the last I heard (in the early or mid 70's). He was often NOT in
motion however, and sometimes used saltwater and a few radials to
help. Does anyone know if he ever completed DXCC?
73, Tom W8JI
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