TopBand: Elevated Radials

Earl W Cunningham
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 23:56:31 EST

Re the discussion about elevated radials:

I've always considered "elevated radials" to be radials which are
completely above ground and horizontal, and that the antenna feedpoint is
also elevated to the same height as the radials.

Discussing this with another ham tonight, I discovered that at least one
ham who is using "elevated radials" on his shunt-fed tower on 160m
attaches his 4 radials at ground level, then slopes them upward at a
45-degree angle to 8 feet high, with the remainder of the radials
horizontal at 8 feet.  Is this the type of "elevated radials" being

K0RF years ago appeared on topband with a big signal using a vertical
with elevated radials.  The radials were horizontal at 12 feet high and
the feedpoint was also 12 feet high (I think).  Since then, I've always
visualized elevated radials like that -- in essence, really a vertical
ground plane antenna close to the earth.

If one is to use elevated radials at a low height, is there much
difference whether the radials slope upward from the base of the
vertical, or if they're totally elevated?

73, de Earl, K6SE

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