TopBand: Elevated Radials

km1h @
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 10:25:31 EST

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 23:56:31 EST (Earl W Cunningham)
>Re the discussion about elevated radials:
>I've always considered "elevated radials" to be radials which are 
>completely above ground and horizontal, and that the antenna feedpoint 
>is also elevated to the same height as the radials.
>Discussing this with another ham tonight, I discovered that at least 
>one ham who is using "elevated radials" on his shunt-fed tower on 160m 
>attaches his 4 radials at ground level, then slopes them upward at a 
>45-degree angle to 8 feet high, with the remainder of the radials 
>horizontal at 8 feet.  Is this the type of "elevated radials" being 

Earl, Christman covered that in a QST followup to his original article.
It was in Technical Correspondence I believe. Perhaps someone here has
the issue handy.
I followed those suggestions here and my radials start at 12' at the feed
point and go up to 25' at the 45 degree angle. I would shoot the radials
over the tops of the trees here if it could be "proved" to make an

Re..your other post and the April '98 QST comments by N6BV... Does not
the military use NEC-4xx to model their field installed and stealth
antennas?  The question remains; are those models accurate to within <

If they are accurate, then how do we justify  the 5dB or greater claims
as mentioned by others? 

This subject has just taken another twist...just as I was getting

73  Carl  KM1H

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