TopBand: Elevated Radials

km1h @
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 16:49:25 EST

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 08:52:00 EST CQ K8DO <> writes:
>I do not see the need for anything approaching a full size antenna at 
>generator end....  You want the signal to be vertically polarized and 
>height to be as much as possible... I would use a heavily loaded 
>either continuously wound, or the equivalent of two 11 foot mobile 

Hi Denny,

Dropping a full 1/4 wave wire from the neighbors tower would be the  I have no interest in building or buying
mobile antennas since this is only a one time test...not a investment. 
Gotta save the $$ for the fishing trips.

>I suspect that 1.5wl away will do, but further is better

I can only do that distance to the neighbor. The radials will be added
symetrically over 360 degrees but I have only one point of measurement.
Once I get a handle on this I can then get other fixed station hams in
the area to help and have more azimuth points. 

... Also nice 
>will be
>to have some kind of receiver in the box so that you can remotely 
>trigger the
>160 transmit on and off...

Why?  Just let it run until Im thru. There wont be very many ...if
any...people on 160  during daylight hours and 10mw wont go vy far.  At
1.5 wave away I do not need much power and can attenuate the 2N2222
output as needed.   

Im wide open to any suggestions...within reason!

73  Carl  KM1H

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