TopBand: FO0FI and FO0FR Summary
Bill Tippett
Sun, 03 May 1998 22:23:23 -0400
Congratulations to Bob W6RJ and Rob W6KR on their excellent operation...
incredible results for just two operators!
73, Bill W4ZV
The following was found on the HRO homepage located at:
Some General Information for FO0 DXpeditions:
This operation was made by two owners
of Ham Radio Outlet, Bob, W6RJ and Robert, W6KR.
The operating time was 6 1/2 days from each location. The FO0FI (Australs)
operation took place from locations separated by approximately 5 miles
to take advantage of superior topography towards USA/JA/EU.
Conditions for FO0FR (Marquesas Island) were very poor for 4 days, the
FO0FR location was a private home situated above the Nuku Hiva Airport
at 800' elevation sloping down to the ocean {a superior location}. The
location helped to counteract the poor propagation conditions.
The equipment at both locations included:
Icom 706MKII's
Finn FET Amp 500W Output
Force12 C-3S beam
Titanex V80E 66' vertical
Misc homebrew verticals
Vectronics antenna tuner
MFJ antenna tuner
Logikey keyer
Bencher paddles
Astron switching power supplies
The entire DXpedition was sponsored by W6RJ and W6KR and Ham Radio
Outlet. No outside sponsorships were requested or received.
During part of this operation, FO0MIZ/JA1BK, Kan, operated from these
same locations as well. Thanks to Kan, JA1BK, for locating these new
countries and assisting in logistics for preparation and travel to the
Islands. Thanks to FO5OK, Eddy, for his license assistance.
Thanks also to Mae, Bob's XYL and W6CMF, Rob's XYL and to K6KLF, WB6DSV,
K7ZV and W6ANR for their assistance in preparing for this trip.
SPECIAL thanks to Dick Whisler, K6SLO {ex-WA6SLO} who has been busy &
will in future months confirming QSL's as our QSL MANAGER, our loyal
QSL cards should be available in 30 days.
We had Fun, hope you did too!!
Bob, W6RJ
Rob, W6KR
FO0FI Australs 13-20 April 1998
All Figures Except Grand Totals Estimated
Band SSB CW Total
10 3000 244 3244 EU/AF
12 550 39 589 1347 SSB
15 4630 2435 7065 1840 CW
17 1160 100 1260 -----
20 2770 3000 5770 3187
30 -- 627 627
40 449 1545 1994 (exact less dupes) JA
80 333 490 823 (exact less dupes) ------
160 11 245 256 5000
11,780 W6KR Hand Log
10,911 W6RJ Computer
Exact Grand Totals: 22,691
FO0FR Marquesas 21-28 April 1998
All Figures Except Grand Totals Estimated
Band SSB CW Total
10 2200 602 2802 EU/AF
12 600 375 975 1290 SSB
15 4260 3000 7260 540 CW
17 1900 670 2570 -----
20 4500 1780 6280 1830
30 -- 1150 1150
40 530 1100 1631 JA
80 530 790 1320 (exact less dupes) -----
160 13 350 363 (exact less dupes) 4000
13,800 W6KR Hand Log
10,211 W6RJ Computer
Exact Grand Totals: 24,011
Administrative requests: