TopBand: 8Q7DV pirate on LOW bands

Igor Booklan
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 19:47:12 +0000

Just talked to 8Q7DV guys and they confirmed that their LOW band CW
activity was very limited these days. They don't want to do a lot of CW
before CW contest so they mainly stay on PHONE.

These are the dates/times when they operated on 160 with just 80 QSOs in
the log:

23 nov	22:28 z	- 22:59 z
24 nov	00:23 z - 00:27 z
25 nov	19:00 z - just few QSOs
25 nov	20:25 z - 20:55 z

Only 15 QSOs were logged on 80 m, so there is NO need to explane that
bunch of us worked a PIRATE as well.

The PIRATE has his own style of operation - he never QSX UP and never
gives the QSL route while real 8Q7DV frequently repeats UA9CI as a
manager and QSX UP.

73s, Harry RA3AUU

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