Topband: A61AJ Topband Report 29 Nov 99 1024z
Mon, 29 Nov 1999 11:00:39 +0400
Hello Topband friends:
We are nearing the end of our time over here. The last likely hours of
Topband operation will be this afternoon/evening at the sunset opening - eg:
from 1330z-1530z for the USA West Coast. I will try to come up on 1805 qsx
up 3 or 4 depending on local birdies and commercial signals. Pse listen for
my QSX announcements - it will either be 1808 or 1809.
Here are a few statistics of the 160m operation at A61AJ which started at
0016z on 22 Nov up through 1024z on 29 November.
Topband Only
Total QSO's 1,648
Total North American Qso's 187
Northern American QSO's made in the CQWW CW Dx Contest (included in above
totals): 46
WEST coast QSO'S VIA LP at 155 degrees - 2 (N7UA and N6FF)
USA W0 area - One I believe NA0Y
USA W5 area - 4-6 including K5PC
USA W9 area - around 10 (approx)
USA W8 area - around 10
While it is clear that the USA W1-W3 area produced the largest volume of
160M QSO's, one surprise from the data I have looked at is the large
preponderance of W4 call area Topbanders making it into the log. Clearly,
from about 0040z until A6 local sunrise time of 0245z, the USA fourth call
area DOMINATES the propagation into this part of the world. Each day AA4MM,
W8JI, other W4's and even some W5's would be the last to hang in there after
the band became absorbed into the W1-W3, 8/9/0 areas. Then they would
slowly fade into the noise as well - leaving VE1ZZ the only signal making it
over here....what else?
During the contest, A61AJ made 790 total Topband QSO's, 21 zones and 74
Stations heard and NOT worked included:
BY1PK - zone 24
V8A - zone 28
9G5AA - zone 35
4M7X - zone 09
HC8N - zone 10
MU/OH something (Guernsey)
I do not have a firm fix on the number of JA QSO's made, but I believe it to
be about 150-160. Basically, JA's are LOUD here from 2000z until about
2155z daily. They also can be worked starting shortly after sunset in A6.
The final stationsetup over here included on xmit:
FT1000D and Alpha 87a amplifier - with preamps on all beverages
Antennas for Xmit:
Inverted VEE on USA/EU at 150 foot apex
Two 1/4 wave verticals, 5/8 wave spaced with 55 radials each - broadside
bidirectional pattern to USA/EU at 335 degrees and offsetting pattern to USA
W6/W7 longpath at 155 degrees - approx gain 5.2db.
Antennas for RX:
5 beverages:
USA/EU - two 580' side by side beverages fed in phase with 200 foot spacing
JA - single 880 footer
VK/ZL - single 580 footer
Africa (ZS6)- single 580 footer
USA LP (155 degrees) - single 550 footer
It has been a pleasure working Topband from this part of the world. While I
may have hoped to work a few more of the faithful in the W0 area, all in
all, it has been a pretty satisfying experience on balance.
It was nice to work VK6HD and VK6VZ plus 9M6NA and VK2OI in the contest.
Also worked ZS4TX and ZS6UT - I don't know how, but I never hooked up with
Greg ZS5K - but looked for him daily. Sorry.
I guess that's it except for the LP USA opening today from 1330z-1530z. My
flight leaves tonight at 0245 hours local time.
CU on the reflector when I get back home Tuesday afternoon.
73 Jeff
K1ZM at A61AJ
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