Topband: Update VK9LX from N0AH
Thu, 28 Oct 1999 10:22:43 EDT

I sent an earlier email on this but it may have gotten lost, so here it goes-

28 Oct 1999

at 12:20 I started hearing VK9LX, Nick, call CQ on 1.830.3. For the next hour 
and 45 minutes, beginning at 12:25Z I was able to record him.  At 8 am local 
time, 14:00Z, out of the grayline and well past ourt sunrise, I mean where it 
was almost a bright day, with no pink left in the morning sky, he is still 
coming in-  working JA's spilt-

I worked Nick 3 x with litle if any competition, once at 12:20Z, then at 
12:45, about our sunrise, and at 13:13Z with the disk of the sun coming over 
the horizon- ....a few W6 and 7's worked him too but nothing east of my QTH 
here in SE WY that I was able to copy-

A few things to know about Nick's stay- on 20 mters last night, he told me of 
several equipment problems.  First, his amp blew a resistor but he was able 
to fix it- Then, his TS930 went south but he had another on the island for 
parts and he fixed it. This from a guy who admits he has no technical 
training-  believe, he doesn't hi hi

Now I learn from Nick that The Ebbtide, his place of operations, and mine as
VK9LZ, is upgrading the property and no longer doing ham operations- this 
is a major bummer- Nick has done a huge favor to ham radio by hauling all his 
gear out there over the years, leaving it for months at a time, only to get 
to Lord Howe once or twice a year to dig it out, set it up, and hope the 
island spiders and winter storms don't create to much havoc on the gear in 

The ability to ship to and from the island is big bucks, and a lot of 
redtape- re: weight etc for plane luggage etc......

If you can, please record Nick at any opportunity you have- a $2 tape 
cassette would mean a lot to a guy who spends his time, $$ and vacation time 
on not just activating Lord Howe, but insuring a decent signal is put out for 
all of us to have an opportunity to work him- and after almost no sleep on 
Lord Howe, he spends hours at home on QSL's.....

OK, so he is in the most beautiful spot in the world, palm trees, singing 
birds, awesome seafood- but ....seriously, thx Nick for all your hard effrots 
to put LH on the topband- it is now 14:20 and I just heard you, fading out 
barely in the background, work another JA- EU should be hearing you soon- 

73  Paul  N0AH     ex  VK9LZ
Carpenter, WY

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