Topband: ARRL 160 test condx

Mon, 4 Dec 2000 03:29:51 -0000

Hi Gang

I noticed the same condx [ or lack of ] here as well.What took me 9 hours
to accomplish last year took me 18 hrs this year! And my score was still a
little lower when it was over and done.

I never heard the West Coast all weekend - thought it was my local condx
but maybe not! I also couldn't get past the " wall " on tx or rx that
appeared to be located from Texas to North Dakota from here in Southern VE3.

I thought with the 3 days prior to the contest  being quiet with respect to
the SF and GMF ( highest K was 2 in the last 24 hrs ) that condx would have
been perfect.

Nothing was further from the truth. Although I never had higher than S2 QRN all 
weekend the East/West path never really opened and the few Mid West stations
I did 
manage to copy were way down.

All in all a poor weekend for propagation but still lots of fun pushing the
RF envelope with 5 Watts.

73 de Brian VY2MGY/3 QRP

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