Topband: Finding break in Beverage wire

Charlie Hansen
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 21:35:38 +0000

Hi Barry,

I'm not sure if this trick would work with a wire above ground,
but below ground I like to use an ordinary Broadcast AM 
portable radio...the kind with the built-in loopstick...el-cheapo
I apply a signal to one end of the wire with a homebrew
noise generator.  The ground connection on the generator 
goes to any convenient ground, but not to a wire in the same cable.
I then take the radio and go along the ground and follow the
wire/signal.  Where I suddenly lose the signal is where the break is.
As they say "it works for me!"..hi hi  I would imagine it
would work for you too...try tuning in a WEAK station with
the radio up next to the antenna wire, orient the loopstick (radio)
for best reception.  (Try grounding the wire at the far end.)
Then follow the wire and look for a dramatic change in signal strength
at the break.  Pierce the insulation on each side of the suspect break
and confirm the location with an ohmmeter.  

Alternately, one could simply ground one end the the wire then
take ohmmeter reading between selected areas along the wire and a
"screwdriver gound rod".  Good hunting!

Charlie, N0TT

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