Topband: sand on the beach

V.Kecman, Kele YU1AO/6 kk@cg.yu
Thu, 6 Jan 2000 09:23:38 +0100

Hello topband experts. If any of you out there is an Orthodox Christian, 
I wish you Merry Christmas.

I decided to go to the beach with transmitting antenna. After reading 
some past postings on W8JI feedline length to his antennas, I realised
that having antenna 300 meters away is nothing to worry about, as long
as it can be insured against cows and unfriendly neighbors. I am
delighted with the performance of all modeled antennas, when they are
close to the sea, but there is new problem for me: the sand.  Erecting
20m+ high structure at soft sand is serious project, since I would like
these things stay up for some time. Is there any trick, or I will have
to use concrete anchors to prevent antannas fly away on the wind?

73 de Kele YU1AO/6, N2KAB, YT6O

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