Topband: Terminating System for Beverages

Sat, 11 Aug 2001 21:17:14 -0700

>I'm planning to put up several beverages on a farm that has cattle grazing 
>all over it.  For obvious reasons gradually sloping the beverages to ground 
>level at both ends would require quite a bit of extra fencing to keep the 
>cows away from the wire.  In ON4UN's book (2nd edition) he shows a system 
>(Fig. 7-17) of a capacitor and 10 ft length of RG-62 to ground one end of a 
>two-wire beverage.
//  I used to run a 3-wavelength 8-ft. high beverage for 80m longpath 
into N. Europe.  I found that there was a change in ground conductivity 
depending on rainfall.  To be able to adjust the terminating resistance 
remotely, I put a series string of fwd biased Si diodes in series with a 
fixed resistor and adjusted the DC current through the beverage wire  
until I got the deepest null on signals off the back.  When the diodes 
were reverse biased, the beverage was bi-directional.    note: the fwd 
biased resistance of a Si junction is approx. 30/current in mA -- i.e. 
2mA makes for 30/2 = 15-ohms per diode.  
> ... ...
cheers, Fritz

-  R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K,  