Topband: Trees and losses

Rick Warnett
Sun, 12 Aug 2001 19:51:26 +1000

I'm reminded that various agencies have claimed to be able to use trees as
radiators themselves - without any extra "wiring". This includes some defence
forces who have investigated radiators that might work when members are under
duress !
The fact that trees can radiate indicates thay have some conductivity and might
affect radiation from other aerials in ways dependent on frequency and

Considering that any 160M aerial located temporarily in a forest is likely to be
short and tuned and very narrow in bandwidth and you have the most likely
solution - the aerial goes off resonance compared to what it does in the open.
This might apply particulalry to a mobile which does not have interactive VSWR

I know rain makes a big difference to aerials here in the jungle.... I assume
redwoods might be the same.

BTW, we will be trying hard for the Australasian Rememberance Day contest next
weekend. Hope to do some good things from here on 160M. I have now a separate
receiver HF1000 and use a 3 turn 6M diameter loop (non-resonant) for the RX
aerial. Not designed for this high frequency - it was for 180KHz but is much
quieter and better S/N than my vertical or inverted L.
Should be hanging around 1812 to 1835 from 09UT friday nite (Zulu !)

Rick -  P29KFS