Topband: Antennas - Part 2

Larry Molitor
Tue, 28 Aug 2001 03:51:11 +0000

Here's the second part of my "quest for the truth"!

While trying to validate performance test results with computer models, I 
find more conflicts with the effect of inductor Q on overall performance. 
Without going into details, I decided I needed to actually measure the Q on 
a number of different inductors. At one time I had access to a HP 
instrument that read out Q directly. Since then, I have tried a few 
different methods of approximating the Q, but I never got any results I 
thought was close enough. I did try a cap to tune the coil and calculated 
the unloaded Q of the tank from the measured bandwidth. This method assumes 
a very high Q cap will cause the tank Q to be approximately the coil Q. 
Since the Q numbers always came out a lot lower than I expected, that was 
probably not a valid assumption.

Does anyone have a better method of measuring inductor Q easily?

Has anyone tried to correlate modeled effects of Q verses measured effects 
of Q on a practical short (very short) antenna?


Larry - W7IUV