Topband: 160M EU Opening 20 Dec 01
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 11:55:24 EST

Here is my 160M log from 20 Dec 2001:

0422:    DJ0MDR    559
0529:     CT1CJJ     559
0650:     DF2PY    559
0709:     G3PQA    569
0712:      GW3KGV 559

None of this few seconds of grayline stuff, it was a sustrained opening- 

It was the best single evening for UE I've done on 160M from here in Wyoming 
in the 4 years I've lived at this QTH.  I think more could have been worked 
but the band lacked bodies- K0RF and AA0RS, about 80 miles SW of me in 
Colorado did very well too. I did not work the CT3/DL station posted last 
night on 160 but heard them faintly.  Later, they were 599 on 80M CW.    The 
160M Inv L was hearing as well if not better than the 600 footer NE Bevg to 
EU.  K=0 last night, so much for a rising K enhancing 160M on this night- 80M 
has been great as well with a number of EU worked in both the CW and SSB 
window.  Also worked VU2WAP on 80M LP this morning. Low bands seem to be in 
great shape but I still think the high SF is hammering the low end of 80M CW 
vs SSB signals much stronger 200KHz up the band. Of interest, K0RF and I have 
noticed a couple recent mornings where JA's on 160M have been almost equal in 
signal strength SW and NE at times, and when this happens, 80M LP is huge 
later in the morning-  May or may not be related, but interesting low band 
happenings from here in the SE corner of W7.

73  Paul  N0AH
Carpenter, Wyoming
DN71  104.36W  41.05N