Topband: JT1 Polar Path

John Kaufmann
20 Nov 2001 12:13:03 -0800

On Tue, 20 November 2001, "KN4LF, Thomas Giella" wrote:

> Looking at the propagation path via the W6EL propagation program, from the
> continental U.S. to JT1 is definitely a polar path through the aurora oval,
> so it will be a tougher propagation path for many of us. 

>From the Northeast USA, I believe a polar short path is really doubtful.  Even on 80 meters, it's very rare to see over-the-pole propagation to that part of the world.  The times when it has happened are near the bottoms of the solar cycle.  If there is any propagation at all to JT, I expect it will be via the southeast skew path around local sunset or the southwest path at sunrise.  That's been the case for every zone 23 I've ever heard or worked on 80.  

73, John W1FV