Topband: Ground radials (was: Barefoot Topband DX)

Louis Sica. Jr.
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 14:47:53 -0600

Thanks to all who answered my questions about barefoot DX on 160 meters.
Some mentioned that ground radials would help some, even on the sloper. But
my problem is very little room for radials (elevated ones are also NOT a
possibility). So I have a few questions:

1) What's better, a few long tuned radials, or a bunch of shorter ones?

2) If radials are too short or too few (lets say as few as 15 to 25 radials
of 25 to 30 feet or so) is the difference they'll make so negligible as to
not make it worth the effort? Might they even be detrimental?

and finally

3) How should you fasten copper wire to aluminum tower legs so as to not
have dissimilar metals touch possibly causing corrosion?

Thanks to all

Lou Sica AC0X