Topband: Beverage coax

Robert Wood (W5AJ) Robert Wood \(W5AJ\)" <
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:58:26 -0500

A summary of the RG-6 cable selections.

It does appear that the 60% braid is about the same on the different
models but the "quad" shield adds more AL wrapping, cost and weight over
the standard AL wrap.   Both had #18 copper for the center conductor.
I think the comment that once you had 100% AL wrap with the braid what
addition major benefit could the extra wraps of AL bring?

For those needing a quick fix for the weekend did find one 500' roll of
RG-59 at Home Depot, inexpensive & lite weight but #22 center and did not
seem as well shielded as the RG-6.

73 Robert W5AJ