Topband: ARRL 160 Contest
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 19:36:59 -0800
Tom, W1TO wrote:
"How many points are scored for a Maritme Mobile or Aeronautical Mobile
Because they're mentioned in section 4.2 (Contest exchange for DX) of the
rules, they must be 5-pointers and count for W/VE only.
"In the Cabrillo output how do you show the section (location) of the MM
or AM station? Is it R1, R2, and R3?"
Cabrillo might get confused and think that R1, R2, or R3 is in the
Russian Federation. I'd try REG1, REG2 or REG3.
At any rate, QSOs with maritime and aeronautical mobiles *DO NOT* count
as multipliers (only ARRL sections, RAC sections and DXCC countries count
as multipliers for W/VE).
"Is there a site that shows all the prefixes that belong in a section? Of
interest are KG4 and the Pacific Islands."
KG4 (Guantanamo Bay) is not the PR or VI section. It is a 5-pointer DX
QSO for W/VE.
KH6 is in the PAC section (a 2-pointer for everybody). All other Pacific
Islands are DX (a 5-pointer for W/VE only).
All ARRL/Canadian sections are listed in the document titled "ARRL
Section Abbreviations", which is available on the ARRL Web site.
73, CU in the ARRL 160 contest, de Earl, K6SE